Tuesday 2 August 2022

It looks like Autumn Time!

Hello Woofers!

Daisy here!

Well, another muggy day here in North Kent. We were a little late in getting up, so late down onto the sea front. Old Two Legs keeps messing about with the controls on the camera, trying to get a different result by doing his famous 'Fiddly Diddly'. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t!

Well, you can't win them all!

Yu know, he even tried to take a picture of me but I did a quick Fiddly Diddly and turned away at the last moment!

No pictures today!

Having no success there he went over to taking photos of flowers and tree trunks!

When you look at all the leaves on the ground you could almost believe it was Autumn Time!

He did manage to get a shot of a butterfly before it flew off above the bushes.

Now this is a shallow depth of field on this one!

There are a number of trees growing apples and some other fruit that looks a sort of yellow and orange. Mind you, I know they aren't oranges!

The apples were about the size of golf balls, so you would need to eat a large number!

A sure sign of Autumn is the blackberries ripening and you can see they are coming on a treat!

With all the brambles it will be difficult getting to them!

Wild Sweet Pea but you can't eat them!

OTL reckons it won't be long before the rain starts, he hopes it will be all thunder and lightning and late at night so he can get some pictures of the lightening!


See you tomorrow.



1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy. Smashing photos today, of course you know the best one. We've had cloud, sun, cloud, sun, on and off all day but still no rain. My mum is keeping her paws crossed for a good downpour, over night would be good for us as well. It's so warm and muggy. Me and my mum went for a walk this morning, I took my mum up to Brenda's so we could see her and Milly. I was quite warm when we got home so I had a snooze under the fan. My boy went off to his fun day, he's home now, he said it wasn't too bad. Me and my mum have done a few jobs like washing and ironing, now we're going to put our paws up for the rest of the evening. I could go a few of those blackberries to munch while I rest. Take care, stay safe and cool all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
