Wednesday 31 August 2022

Last Days of Summer!

 Hi Woofers!

Daisy here with the start of Autumn or if you want, the last day of summer! Depends on when you are reading this, Wednesday or Thursday!

You can tell that summer is on the way out, loads of wind blowing in off the North Sea!

You know, I could even sniff the kebabs all the way from Southend!

Yep, that's the kebab house off the sea front!

I can always tell which one it is, Holly taught me and she had a Kebab Tuned Nose!

This morning it seemed that all the woofers were out walking at the same time, we met the gang on the way out and some more on the way back!

 Too many woofers, I couldn't get room enough for a wee!

Although the wind was blowing the clouds were reasonably bright.

 Lunchtime there was little change in the clouds but the wind was blowing the sea and creating 'White Horses' out to sea!

You have to be careful when you have a wee in this wind. If you don't face the right way you could end up with a wet leg!

OTL has booked up next year’s holiday already, well, we got the same caravan as we had this year, they allow woofers in this one!

Next, we have to book the ferry but we can't do that until next year and then there's the overnight at Gretna, but we don't do that until the ferry is booked!

That's OTL all over, everything gets booked in plenty of time!

Bye for now!



1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy. Smashing pictures, love the one of you, the best looking woofer for miles and miles. Holly chops certainly knew her sniffs. Glad to hear next year's caravan is booked for you. It's been very sunny here again today, still warm with a stiff breeze. I went for a walk and met Buddy the bop, he didn't bop me today though so I reckon he's finally learning some manners. My mum went to the dentists and has got to go back on friday to have one of her teef pulled out, she'll be eating through a straw at this rate. We've had a pretty quiet day today, which is nice, I managed to put my paws up and have a break from guarding. Take care, stay safe and warm all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
