Tuesday 30 August 2022


Hello Woofers,

Daisy here.

It's been a funny old day today; Old Two Legs was up a good half an hour earlier than normal. That got me worried 'cos I was down stairs with The Missus trying to snaffle a bit of toast and marmalade!

Down on the sea front the wind was blowing and the clouds were blowing in from the north. I thought at one time we were going to get some rain but as luck would have it, it missed us all together!

Well, there's rain out there but it looks like it will miss us.

Lucky for us, the sun came out at lunchtime and the clouds had all changed to white, even so, the wind was blowing, making sea horses of the waves.

Just for a change, OTL tried the Two Trees but left out the Bench and Poo Bin!

Back home I took up my normal place under the desk and cuddled up on my bed, cuddling some of my toys!

I like cuddling my toys 'cos they can be made to squeak, especially when he is in the telephone talking to his customers!

OTL has been gathering the last of the paperwork, ready for sending it all over to the accountant. Mind you, one good thing, OTL has booked next year’s holiday today. Nothing like getting in early!

Bye for now!



1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy. Well it was a little bit cloudy here this morning but then the sun came out and it's been really warm again today, we had enough breeze to dry the washing. I went to the vets this afternoon and guess wot, well, it cos my mum £50 to find out the wart on my neck is a wart, wot ........ now there's a turn up for the book, well, my mum's bank book anyways. I got loads of fuss and cuddles, all the ladies in the waiting room were after cuddles with me as well, I'm thinking next time I go, I might make a small charge for each cuddle, that way I should be able to afford to buy myself some of the lovely treats wot they sell. Then again, I might just sit at the top of the path with a little sign, cuddles for sale, £25 a go. This afternoon me and my mum have been watching some chaps trying to catch that sparrowhawk birdie wot my mum saw a few days ago, it's quite a clever birdie and they've been going up and down the road, shaking furry things but it just flies from the top of one tree to another and looks down laughing at them and pooing on them, it's quite funny watching, these chaps get in their van, ride up the road, birdie spots them then flies down the other end of the road. Well they haven't caught it yet so it's birdie 1 - catchy chaps 0. Now when I got home from the vets I had a welcoming committee, Brenda and Milly were waiting on the doorstep for me. Smashing pictures today, I got some of the same toys as you, seems like us good woofers get nice toys from Santa Paws. Take care and stay safe all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
