Friday 2 September 2022

Looks like the Brant Geese are early this year!

 Hello Woofers!

Daisy here again.

Well, it looks like we are going to have a game each morning! 

We turned up a little late this morning and Old Two Legs was wanting to get back home to get the final bits of paper sorted.

I did my normal 'I just fancy sitting here trick. OTL walked on ahead and then took a sharp turn to the right, out of sight. I got up and chased after him but when I got around the corner he was gone!

I chased on a bit further but he was nowhere to be seen. It was then that he came creeping up behind me, sneaky Two Legs had gone back on himself and hid in the bushes!

I can see I will be watching out for sneaky tricks in the future!

It was pretty boring this morning, the sun was blasting down trying to burn everything but with a little 'Fiddly Diddly' with the camera controls, OTL managed a couple of 'Morning' shots!

Now this one is interesting 'cos the birds are in fact Brant Geese enjoying breakfast.

It's what you can't see that is more interesting!

It's behind you!

Right at the last moment it arrived!

A Goose chasing Woofer who will be in trouble when he gets back to the sea wall!

I was thinking about joining him but the geese flew away just after this shot and I would have just been splashing about in the puddles!

The weekends here and OTL is planning to do some hedge trimming so let's hope it doesn't rain over the weekend!

Bye for now.




  1. Yo Daisy. Smashing pictures today, shame you didn't get to chase them geese, maybe next time though. Now I'm feeling much better today, my leg feels back to normal so I decided I didn't want the tablet this morning and spat it out, my mum can save it for another time. My boy was feeling very poorly this morning and stayed in bed on account of he was dirty dick and now my mum isn't feeling overly happy on account she looks like she's done a few rounds with Tyson, so I'm having to look after the pair of them and I'm only just over being badly wounded. I think we're all planning a nice long lay in tomorrow to get over all our aches and pains. It's been another very warm day here, I didn't get to go on a walk on account the vet said I needed to rest my leg for a few days but it is nice being carried up and down the stairs. Good luck to OTL cutting his hedges, I'll keep my paws crossed it doesn't rain on him. Right I'm back off to my nursing duties so take care and stay safe all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Ha ha - OTL had you on the run!
    Great shots of the sunrise. xxx
