Sunday 4 September 2022

Sunday, Sunday!

 Hi Woofers!

Daisy here on a super relaxed Sunday.

Old Two Legs woke up at one thirty last night, then again at four thirty.

First thing this morning OTL was not a happy bunny!

The sunrise wasn't as super as required but what the heck, I did a load of wee's all around the walk!

This is a shot of the gas stowage units at Grain, when they finish the last one there will be nine containers storing Liquid Natural Gas.

I reckon there could even be more gas containers go up in the future!

Down on the sea wall there was just OTL and me, I suppose that being Sunday, everyone was still in bed!

A fine shot of the estuary with sea mist in the distance!

Lunchtime was even less interest, just a couple of Two Legs and that was it! Still, we had F1 Racing to look forward to and it was an exciting race with opportunities lost and gained!

Next week it is Monza, so that should be good fun!

Bye for now.


Daisy Dog!


  1. Yo Daisy. I've had a rather lazy day too. My mum was up at 1.30, the awake a 4, then she had to get up at 5. These TL's are funny old things.
    My boy was up a few times in the night, he's not very well again and has been dirty dick a couple of times, he even got my mum to drop him off some medicine while she was working. He seems a bit better this evening and my mum has been fussing around him and waiting on him hand foot and finger. I spose it's a good thing she doesn't have to carry him up and down the stairs like me, on account of he's quite a bit bigger than wot she is. I've been looking after him when he's been laying on the sofa but he hasn't been sharing his scoff with me. Smashing pictures today. My mum said if I'm a good boy, she'll take me up the road to see Brenda and Milly tomorrow. Glad to hear you enjoyed the racing today. Take care and stay safe all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Another super picture or two! xxx
