Thursday 17 November 2022

Wet 'n Windy!

 Hello Woofers.

Daisy here!

Last night it poured down, in fact it was so wet it even woke Old Two Legs up in the early hours.

He woke me up as well!

Mind you, he was fidgeting a bit so I did my 'Grumble' which put him back to sleep again!

We were a half an hour late in getting up and it was still blowing a gale and raining so when we went down to the sea wall it was a quick wee, no poo and a rush back to the car to get home before I got soaked!

Lunchtime it got better, no rain but it was still windy!

You know, I'll be glad when Spring arrives, still we can do with the water!

We found some fungi in the meadow even though most of the fungi had been kicked over, and you know what I thing about those who kick fungi down!

Old Two Legs wanted to take a picture of me looking straight down the lens but you know what I'm like with cameras being poked into my face!

Sneaky OTL got the ball out of his pocket and held the camera with the other hand and managed to click off this one while I was woofing for him to throw the ball!

Sneaky or wot!


He threw it but after a couple of chases I got fed up and went off to sniff up the top of the meadow.

OTL has been listening to the news and says he has been given a wage rise of 10.1% so all the beers are on OTL tonight!

See you all tomorrow!




  1. Yo Daisy. Well that's a really smashing picture of you waiting for the ball to be thrown. I've got fungals in my garden but no one comes in a kicks them down cos I would bite their butts if they did. We had trenchal rain all night as well. It was so wet last night I didn't even bother playing sniff and hop with the froggies, it was way too wet to be out, if I wasn't busting for a wee I wouldn't have gone at all. Me and my mum got right snuggly under the new blanket my boy bought for us and we were toasty all night. It was just a shame I needed to go out for a wee this morning cos it was cold, wet and windy out in my garden. A big branch came down from one of the trees over the back, good job I wasn't out there doing a wee or my mum raking the leaves cos it would have done us real damage. My mum went off and did some shopping this morning and came back with some Xmas crackers and some stuff in a bag wot she wouldn't let me see. Now break it to OTL very gently, but that rise he got will soon disappear on account of the tax threshold has been frozen so he'll probably end up seeing his rise going to the tax man, along with the energy company and the stuff wot he puts in the car, my mum doesn't think he'll be buying any rounds anytime soon, he might do better to go round the pub with his cap and a sign saying poor OAP with woofer to feed. Take care, stay warm, dry and safe all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Looks like you were telling OTL off about that ball.

    Don’t think I’ll be any better off after the budget either. Might have to end early retirement & go back to work at this blinking rate!!! X
