Monday 19 December 2022


 Hello Woofers!

Daisy back with some good news!

 Sorry about missing yesterday’s blog but I got all warm and cuddly on OTL's lap and didn't wake up until it was bed time!

However, I have got the photographs!

OTL took the ooold small camera that wasn't set up for dark photos so there was a little 'Judder' which shows up onn the dock lights!

It also showed up when he tried taking a picture of me, looks artistic to me!

Now, with a little adjustment to the settings  he produced this, not too bad!

These cloud shots look all dramatic!

Mind you, the frost was still thick on the ground!

If it was summer time I'd charge down there and go for a swim, but today?

A last look at the dock lights before heading into the meadow.

The meadow is surrounded by trees and bushes so it is sheltered and it takes a little longer thaw out!

This morning when we went out all the frost had gone and it was raining, well light shower and incredibly warmer than yesterday!

You can see that when we got to the forest, no frost!

OK, a little camara shake but that was intentional!

Just look at the docks, no sign of camara shake on this one!

Lunchtime arrived and unfortunately nothing much had changed, it was still too cloudy and damp!

Mind you, it was warm in the forest!

You know, it's hot under this jacket!

Well, that's it for today, we are back to warm weather and it looks like it's going to be warm over the Christmas Holiday.

Bye for now.



1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy. I missed you yesterday so can you tell OTL to make sure he wakes you up before bedtime please. Smashing pictures, you do look cosy in your jacket. Now I got a surprise yesterday, as you know my mum took Millie home to Brenda on Saturday, well yesterday afternoon Brenda's boy phoned and said Brenda was going back into hospital and could Millie come back here and stay with us. I got quite excited, so back came Millie and she's staying again until Brenda is completely better. Now the snow has gone at last but the rain and wind are here now. It's very windy out at the moment. My mum went to the vets this morning to drop off a card and some treats to them, then when she came home and told me where she went, I wasn't very pleased that I didn't get to go as well. I've developed a limp, my mum thinks it's on purpose but she's made an appointment for me to go on Wednesday although the vet says if I'm limping still tomorrow, to phone back and they will let me go and see them. My mum reckons I pulled something chasing a squirrel across the garden this morning. My mum says I've got to let her lift me on and off the sofa and up the stairs at bedtime. My boy has got a long day at work today on account of them staying open until late tonight. It's still a bit chilly here so I'm going to go and snuggle on the sofa, I'll just call my mum to come and lift me on. Take care, stay warm and safe all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch, Millie and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
