Monday 2 January 2023

They are all out today!

 Hi Woofers!

Daisy back with you again!

Well, not the most brilliant morning but at least it wasn't pouring with rain! It was all sort of grey and dismal looking across the Medway and we even managed to catch a gull as it swept past us!

You know, we didn't see anyone out first thing and that is unusual for a Monday morning!

Like Archie Babe, we got back from our walk and I went straight to bed, well, the desk top and my cushion!


You know I'm getting really comfortable on that bed; I even have to shoved Old Two Legs off the place where he normally works, just to accommodate my sleeping position! 

You know I could really get used to this spot!

Now lunchtime was completely different, I mean, the place was full of Two Legs and woofers who were visiting the sea side. I saw a couple of woofers I knew but the rest were all new! 
There was one who looked friendly and would keep shoving his nose where he shouldn't, you know I had to give him a warning growl just to put him in order!

 Hello Grandma, can I have a sniff?

 He came from a crowd of TLs up on the top path who seemed to be more interested in gassing instead of weeing!


 Just how many woofers can you have?

 All along the sea wall you could see the crowd of TLs marching along and looking bored 'cos they would rather be back home with their paws in the air!

 Look at them, no one knows where they are going!

 Just for a change, OTL decided to take a picture of the Two Trees, Bench and Poo Bin in the sunshine, just to pretend it is spring time!


 Well, it would be if there were any leaves on the trees!

 We had to park the car in a different car park this afternoon, there were so many cars it was madness!

Tomorrow it's back to work again!

By for now.




  1. Yo Daisy, smashing pictures of you. Wot a cheek that visiting woofer calling you grandma, I'd have given his butt a nip. Glad you've had a nice lazy day with plenty of snooze. I've had a nice lazy day as well, it hasn't rained but still very damp and chilly so I've spent most of the day snuggled up and making the most of the peace. We're not back at work yet so we can have a few more days snoozing and putting up our paws. My mum popped out to the sales this morning but she wasn't tempted to spend too much, in fact she spent £12 on a knitted dress wot comes down to almost her ankles, she saved £26 so she was well happy. Me on the other paw was more than happy snuggled up at home avoiding the crowds. Take care, stay warm and safe all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Ah the joys of spring! LOL!
    Happy zzzzzz's xxxx
