Thursday 30 March 2023

A day of working.

 Hi Woofers!

Daisy here.

OTL got the wet nose treatment this morning and I managed to get him up at ten past six!

It may have been early but I'm afraid that it just wasn't early enough to catch the sun rise.

You could tell that when we got to the Two Trees and took the 'Standard Shot'!

You could almost sing the shot to a song! '

Two Tree's One Bench and Poo Bin keep moving'

Two Tree's One Bench and Poo Bin keep moving'

We'll all be happy and bright!

Well, that would all change when we get around the corner!

Not a Poo Bin to be seen!

 We met up with Barny II and although He made a fuss of OTL, He got all jealous when I went to say Hello to his Two Legs!

 I got a stroke in the end but it wasn't a good one!

OTL has spent most of the day plonking away on the computer, something about 'End of Month'.

Lunchtime we were out again and this time we went the long way around and I managed a roll in the sand but missed out on the deep paddle 'cos the tide was out!

Drat! No water!

The Slippy Cows were really blooming and it won't be long before you will not be able to see the grass!

 Loads of Slippies!

On the other paw, the fungi seem to be fading away, a couple of warm days and they will be gone until Autumn Time!

I think they are called Parasol Fungi.

Now, I plan to have an early night so I can get up early tomorrow and with a bit of luck we'll get OTL up in time for a sunrise!

Bye for now.




  1. Yo Daisy. Well it's been a day of sun then rain, then sun, then rain, then sun and so on here. I went for an early walk but to be honest, I didn't enjoy it, I saw 2 other woofers but they weren't very polite and not into discussing sniffs so I turned round and headed home. I heard you telling Mrs TM you were in charge when OTL went to get his car washed. Didn't them wimmin do some gassing today while they were flinging the glue. I decided to have a snooze and let them get on with it in the end. I think I might have an early night as well cos I've been a bit tired today on account of being up a bit late last night cos my boy wanted to play wrestling. Smashing pictures today, hope you found something nice and sniffy on the beach. Take care, stay warm, safe and dry all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Your sunrise photos look beautiful OTL. Xxx
