Wednesday 29 March 2023

A grey day.

Hello Woofers!

Daisy here.

Now, how about this for a first?

On the way down to the sea side OTL saw a Bittern fly over the road! Now, we had never seen a bittern down our end of the world and we were dead chuffed to see it!

We are going to keep our eyes open through Spring in case it re appears again!

The sun was up but lucky for us it was hiding behind the clouds but there was some sun beams dropping below the cloud, just enough to make a good show!

The Slippy Cows were out and blooming so OTL took a shot of a bunch that still had the rain drops on the leaves!

Now, don't that look pretty?

The Daffodillies were sprouting their blooms and so far, the blooms were still showing, so, the local Herbert’s haven't kicked the blooms down yet.

Pretty or wot?

The lunchtime walk went the long way around and on the way bach we came across Blooming Hawthorn and Common Gorse Bush.

It looked rather dramatic next to each other.

On our way home we kept a look out for the Bittern but we reckon he had gone out to the marsh land to look for his dinner!

Now, that reminds me, I'm off to see what TM has put into my food bowl!

Bye for now.




  1. Yo Daisy, now I thought you said OTL got bitten on his way down for the walk. I know a couple of years back my mum got bitten by a fly in the garden. Smashing pictures today, those flowers look very pretty, the flowers in my front garden are looking very sorry for themselves on account of the rain and the wind giving them a battering. It's been another day of sitting in doors waiting for the rain to stop today, my mum was very brave and went up the shops to get a few goodies. My boy is back to work tomorrow so me and my mum are looking forward to flinging the glue with Mrs TM and Pat, I'll keep listening out for you Daisy. I'm off for a pre scoff snooze cos this waiting for the rain to stop is quite exhausting you know. Take care, stay warm, dry and safe all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Fancy seeing a Bitterne! I associate them with the Norfolk Broads. Perhaps it was lost?
    Well, I've read through a few recent posts and see that OTL abandoned you for a while and ALSO took you to get washed and sploshed. Honestly, you can go off people can't you?! LOL!

    You do look lovely after your beauty salon treatment though. xxx
