Monday 10 April 2023

Good Monday?

Hi Woofers!

Daisy here.

After yesterday’s cloudy day today’s weather was rain, rain, rain!

On top of that it was thick cloud all the way to the horizon. I saw some of the lads wandering along the sea wall.

Not the most awe-inspiring view we could have seen!

I climbed up onto the desk and enjoyed a big snooze. I do love snoozing on the desk and I even get a cuddle with OTL!

I always have a good place to hide my Teeth Cleaning Chew.

OTL has been spending most of the day re-engineering the tripod head and after taking apart two heads he found the telescope mount and fixed it to the tripod.

I was looking through some old photos I found a picture of Holly and I standing on a big stone seat up in when we were up in Yorkshire on holiday.

Happy Days!

See you tomorrow.




  1. Yo Daisy. Nope not a good Monday, a rainy, rainy, windy Monday instead. My mum took my boy to work while I did my guarding duties. Seems there's some hooligans around the area wot are thieving stuff from cars so I was doubly on guard in case I spotted any. My mum did a list of jobs and then we had a lazy lay on the sofa and watched some telly but it was boring really. My mum has got the hump cos of all the work she did in the garden making it nice and tidy for me got spoilt by the wind blowing bits of branches all over my clean grass. Smashing photos today and I particularly love the one of you and Holly chops on holiday up in Yorkshire, is that the holiday where OTL had to drive one of you all the way back home to see the vet then all the way back to Yorkshire again where Mrs TM and Holly chops got left behind? I think I'm going to have a pre snooze, snooze on account of the rain has been making such a noise today it disturbed my snoozes. Take care and stay warm and safe all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Aww - what a lovely photo of you and your late Sister. X
