Wednesday 19 July 2023

Getting bigger.

 Hi Woofers,

Daisy here.

Well, it's been a snoozy day, the clouds have been dark grey and full of foreboding. There has been a little rain, nothing much and we have been inside while the rain fell.

The fairground has been growing as we get nearer to completion although there has been no sign of fairground woofers tied up to poles driven into the ground. Maybe it's because the ground is like concrete!

It will look good when the lights are all turned on!

This is the Ghost Train but as we are behind it the words are back to front!

Ghosty Train!

Down on the sea front there was nothing exciting going on, most of the moths, butterflies and insecty stuff were hiding in the bushes, even this snail found a place to hide overnight!

Towards the end of the sea front The Hooligans came bouncing along the path and straight up to OTL for a Tail Tickle!

Yo! Two Legs!

Back home it was a relaxing day ahead of us, I spend some time on my beds it the office. OTL was playing with the camera and caught me looking at him!

Here you go, a fuzzy foto!

The Missus has been enjoying an afternoon snooze and making snoring noises!

When she does that, I jump up onto the sofa, give her a big woof and stick my nose into her ear!

That gets her going!

Bye for now.



1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy, well I've had another very busy day, my mum said we had to get up early on account of Sam the scrap man coming. Well do you know, my mum defeated Sam the scrap, he's got to come back in the morning to get a few more bits and the old wardrobe on account of his lorry couldn't take all my mum and the boys crud!!! I mean, how embarrassing is that!!!! We had a bit of very sad news this afternoon, now you know my friend Alfie Puggle, well he hasn't been very well and the vet said he needed an operation but they didn't think he would get through it and so it was thought kinder to let him go to sleep peacefully. Now I know I can be a bit rude about him sometimes but actually I was very fond of him really or I wouldn't have let him stay here. So that means no more sleep overs with him. I hope he finds some of my other friends to keep him company over the rainbow bridge. RIP little Puggle. Smashing photos again today Daisy, even the fuzzy one of you. Glad you met some of your mates, always good to bump into them and discuss sniffs. Take care and stay safe all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
