Thursday 20 July 2023

Muggy sort of day.

 Hello Woofers.

Daisy here.

We heard some sad news, Alfie Puggle, Archie Babes mate who liked to go to Archies for a sleep over every so often wasn't too good and on advice from the vet didn't come home. Seems Alfie was too old to survive an operation and it was felt the kindest thing was for him to head for the Rainbow Bridge to wait for his mates.

This morning the fair seemed to have got bigger and us woofers had to walk all around the edges!

Even the lads had to walk backwards!

Along the sea front the wild Sweet Peas are galloping along and we reckon there will be more flowers than grass!

Peas all over the place!

This year there seems to be loads of small dragonflies, about forty millimetres in length and the big Hawker are few a far between.

This one has the exotic name of Yellow - Brown Dragonfly

This is one of the Bubbly Bee types!

Not an insect to be seen!

This afternoon it has been rather gloomy and all I could do was to roll over and snooze, not a bad thing to do!

See you tomorrow.




  1. Yo Daisy, well it was quite a busy day again, I tried to get a snooze while my mum was gassing with Pat and Mrs TM but they're always laughing and it disturbs my snooze. The rest of the day was busy doing jobs and we didn't get much time for paws up which is why we missed your blog. I'll catch up with you on today's blog though, love all the pictures today. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Brilliant photo's. OTL's photography is a triumph.

    Sorry to hear about Alfie Puggle. Sending hugs. x
