Monday 31 July 2023

More rain!

Hello Woofers.

Daisy here.

I wish the weather would make up its mind. It started off being mild, then the sun came out and after lunch, down came the rain!

This is the sky first thing this morning, gloomy or wot?

By the time we got to the start of the forest, it didn't get any better!

A bit later on OTL got out the leather repair kit and mended some scratches on the seat where he had damaged it by scraping a zip on the seat as he got in and out of the car.

While he was doing that the sun came out and just as he finished, the sun went in!

We managed to get a walk in across the football field and down the path by the old golf course.

This is a good place for a wee!

This is the back way into our road, nice and quiet and there are holes in the fence big enough to stick my nose in the holes and have a good sniff of the neighbours!

Normally we are out on this path and back on the other side of the houses but today we decided we would have a change!

It was later that the rain came down and I decided that there was only one way that I would go out if its rain.........quickly!

Bye for now.



1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy, well we've had pretty much the same weather so I've had to be a bit picky about when I go out for a wee. We've had a fairly busy day, my mum went off to get some shopping and it was munchtime when she got back so me and my boy had our munch together. We did have to point out she was 10 minutes LATE. She's been playing with her new cordless broomstick today, she's so impressed that she went on the internetty and found a voucher to get the lawnmower at half price, that was it, clickety click on the old keyboard and she'll be flying round the garden tomorrow on her latest cordless gizmo. She's been out there this afternoon doing a tidy up so the new gizmo will be happy to be seen in the garden. The boy has been busy all day slaving over his keyboard and red hot headset. Now at 11 last night I decided I needed to go and do a patrol of the garden, well wot should I spy but a little froggy waiting patiently for a friend to come and play sniff and hop, well it would be rude not to play with it. My mum wasn't overly pleased but sometimes a woofer's got to do wot a woofers got to do! Smashing pictures again today. I'm pleased to hear OTL managed to mend his leather seat. Take care and stay safe all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
