Saturday 26 August 2023

F1 and the pond?

 Hi Woofers!

Daisy here,

It's been a busy day today, first of all OTL was up late today, a whole half an hour later than normal, that means a whole lot of new woofers to be wary off!

First of all, there was Murphy, that king sized donkey that looks like a dog! You know they don't use a poo bag; they use a coal sack and shovel!

Next was the Pomeranian called Marshmallow, what a name to call a dog! OTL tried to say hello but got barked at, obviously don't like OTL's hat! 

A colourful butterfly was sitting on the leaf looking all pretty.

I reckon that OTL should put the Macro lens on if he wants to get a close up of insects like this.

There is still more work to be done in the garden and at the same time OTL likes to look at the pond, that is when The Missus wants to hang out the laundry and the pond is blocked be the clothes line!


 The next job in the garden is to remove the Stinging Nettle plant and of course OTL got stung!

Nasty plant it is, you know it even got its stinging spines through the gardening gloves!

It was lunchtime and OTL was only halfway chopping down the bush when he got called in for lunch and to watch the F1 qualifying from Holland.

He has left the rest of the stinging bush until tomorrow, coward!

Bye for now.



1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy, well sorting the pond has certainly been a hazardous job, the cut and stings don't sound nice at all. I hope you didn't get any injuries while you were supervising the work. Smashing pictures today. I didn't go out, I've been resting on account of when I got up at silly o clock I ran across the garden cos I thought I saw something wot shouldn't be there and I had to limp back to the house. My mum has been giving me lots of TLC today. Brenda and Millie didn't come up on account of her son took her off to do some shopping but they're coming Monday, mind, me and my mum didn't mind too much cos we've had a bit of a snoozy day. We're looking forward to a nice early night as well. Take care, stay safe all and enjoy the racing. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
