Tuesday 13 February 2024

Another morning.

 Hello Woofers,

Daisy here again.

We had some fun this morning, TM had got up early, as per normal and started switching the lights on and off.

I helped by jumping up on the bed and introducing a cold wet nose to his warm ear!

We managed to get him out early enough to get this shot!

The sun is behind the clouds, it's just that there is more cloud than sun!

We saw The Lads on the sea wall chasing balls but as we were on the top path, I didn't bother to go down to say hello, instead I went off sniffing the sniffs.

TM had a load of paper delivered by the courier today, I reckon there was enough to wallpaper whole house!

TM asked if we wanted anything special to eat tonight. I said as it is Shrove Tuesday can I have some pancakes but OTL spoilt it by asking for non-crispy pancakes so he wouldn't get indigestion!

That's when the fight started!

See you tomorrow.



1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy. Well wot a moody looking sky. Glad you managed to get OTL up and out early. Tell Mrs TM to cheat with the pancakes. I cheated, I bought ready made pancakes, 40 seconds in the microwave, no mess, no fuss, no bother, only the plate I put them on to wash up and they were delicious. I had mine with sugar and lemon juice, always my favourite way to munch a pancake. The boy can't have pancakes on account of he only likes them with jam on and at the moment he can't have jam. As a treat for him and because he's down to 3lbs within his weight target, I'm treating him to a takeaway of his choice. Can't have him missing out on a treat all together now can I. The boys gone of to do his evening 5 mile walk. I decided I didn't want to go out today on account of it raining all day and very chilly. Hope you managed to snaffle a pancake and hope a crispy one doesn't hit OTL on the noddle. Take care, stay warm and safe all. Love, little Arch's mum and the boy. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
