Wednesday 14 February 2024

Rain again.

 Hello Woofers

Daisy back again.

Well lads, it has been rain, rain all day!

OTL brought the camera with him first thing this morning but we had to leave it in the car 'cos OTL didn't want to get it wet!

We met up with The Lads up near the Meadow steps are and he stopped for a breather.

As he bent over, he must have looked out of breath and was asked if they should call an ambulance!

It was good to see them all waving and cheering when OTL got to the bottom of the steps!

Needless to say, after pausing for a while OTL was soon back up and running again!

I've never known OTL suffer so much with a bad cough/cold/flu/called Covid, I reckon he will be still suffering well into Spring/Summer, but it is getting better!

We have been keeping a watch out for Freddy de Froggy but still no sign of his little wet nose poking out of the water’s edge.

It is supposed to be getting warmer over the next few days so we should see more trees blossoming.

See you all tomorrow.



1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy. Glad OTL made it up the hill and I hear he got a round of applause for his efforts. Did you pull him or push him up the hill? I had a chat with Mrs TM and Mrs Pat today. It's been quite chilly and drizzly here today. I was sitting in the garden the other day at silly o clock and I thought I could hear our frogs croaking but I couldn't see them. I saw Hairball rushing home to get out of the cold today though. Tomorrow my little jam jar is going for a service and MOT so keep your paws crossed for it please. The boy is back from his evening hike so I better go get his scoff ready for him. Take care, stay safe and warm all. Love, little Arch's mum and the boy. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
