Friday 16 February 2024

I Spy Froggy Spawn!

Hello all you Woofers.

Daisy here.

It's Friday and that means TM has an extra half an hour in bed to finish off her snooze!

OTL was up at six fifteen and in the shower washing all his important places!

The sky was rather drab and it was touch and go if we even took the camera out with us.

Boring or wot!

Looking towards the North and Southend on Sea there was more light coming from the street lights!

The Hawthorn blossom is almost in full on now.

Blooming loverly!

Back home we went out to investigate the pond 'cos TM had said that she has seen frog spawn up the top end of the pond.

I spy some spawn!

We saw a splosh in the pond and that means it is now 'Frog Active' !

2024 vintage!

There will more spawn as the days progress and now we have plenty of room and cleaner water!

More news as it comes!

Bye for now.



1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy. Well just look at all those new froggies you're going to have, lots of hopping and sploshing. Late last night I was in the garden with the torch and wot should I spy in our little pond but 3 froggies, not sure if there's any spawn in there because I couldn't see but I reckon there might be. I was watching Hairball out of the front window today, now that cooking fat appears to be on springs, he doesn't walk or run, he bounces. It's been another chilly day although at least it's been dry and quite bright. Smashing pictures today so glad you took the camera with you. Take care, stay safe and warm all. Love, little Arch's mum and the boy. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
