Thursday 15 February 2024


Hello Woofers,

Daisy here.

It's been quite a warm day today. I went out this morning with OTL and didn't bother with my coat or even my Rain Coat!

It was still a bit wet under my paws but at least I had fun dancing in the soggy bits!

No sign of a sunrise except a little glow over Sheerness which could be the street lights around the docks 'cos the sun wasn't due to get up until 07:00hr!

 Not the most exciting view of Sheerness!

The Hawthorn blossom was out in full, we were glad to see that but the other trees were just poking their buds out, I expect they will be bursting over the next few weeks.

 One more puddle and then we are off home!

When we got home, I headed off for a snooze on the bed while OTL had his breakfast. Taking his breakfast bowl and tea cup into the kitchen he thought he saw a movement on the pond surface. Could it have been a Froggy?

All through we have been watching the pond for any signs of frog activity.

It was midafternoon when I wanted to go out for a wee that OTL opened the kitchen door very gently until the door was wide enough for me to get out and as I jumped out there was two spots of activity, in fact a double 'PLOP' which I have seen in past years when there has been frog activity.

So, I can confirm the presence of frogs getting ready for the Spring Rutt!

Bye for now.



1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy. Smashing pictures today. Hope you didn't find it too chilly without your coat on. I was in the garden early this morning but I didn't see any froggies. Now I did see quite a few worms, as I shone my torch round, they sort of slivered down into the ground again, it was like watching someone suck up spaghetti. Now I was thinking in a couple of weeks I would go out and fill in the cracks in the paving but I'm wondering if the worms would find their way out, so maybe I might have to think again, I don't want to trap them. I was talking to Hairballs owner this evening, seems Hairball left a present on the bedroom floor, a parakeet, we have lots around here and it looks like Hairball thought he'd take one home to meet his woofers and TL's. I had a cuddle with Boris the bounce today when he walked past on his afternoon mooch. Well my little jam jar passed it's MOT today so that was good news. Take care, stay warm and safe all. Love, little Arch's mum and the boy. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
